Parsons-Cox, Internet 1997


1. e4, c5

The Sicilan Defense

2. Nf3, d6

3. d4

The Open Sicilain is one of the most popular openings in chess. By playing his pawn to d4. Black will exchange his flank c-pawn for whites d-pawn in effect gaining an extra central pawn and the half open c-file for later use of his rooks. White gains a spatial advantage on the kingside and in the center, the half open d-file, and freedom of movement for all of his pieces. A tense struggle often ensues.


4. Nxd4, Nf6

5. Nc3, g6

This is the "Dragon" variation of the Sicilian, so named because the pawn structure of black pawns at h7, g6, f7, e7, and d6 resemble the star formation of the same name. Blacks plan is to develop his Kings bishop to a fianchettoed position at g7 where it exerts pressure down the a1-h8 long diagnol, this combined with control of the c-file will give black chances for a queenside attack.

6. Be3, Bg7

7. f3

This move strengthens the white center and lays down a foundation for a future kingside attack by white. It also stops a potential knight invasion at g4 by black.


8. Qd2

Threatening to exchange off the dangerous black "dragon" bishop at g7 by Bh6.


Prevents the exchange as now 9. Bh6? is answered by 9...Bxh6! 10. Qxh6, Nxd4 and black has won a piece. Also 9. Nxc6?! is not good for white as 9...bxc6 merely strengthens the black center where he already has a superiority. Anand actually tried this strategy -though on move 12-in his world championship match agaisnt Kasparov but when down without much trouble. Here is a link to that game score Kasparov-Anand Game13 1995 World Chess Championship

9. Bc4

White has now reached the Main Line of the "Yugoslav Attack" variation of the Sicilian: Dragon. Whites plan is to ensure the defense of his center (f3), castle queenside and aggressively post his pieces (Bc4), and then advance the h-pawn opening that line and mate black down the h-file.


10. h4

The Alternative is the immediate queenside castle, most lines will transpose here.


11. Bb3, Qa5

Black has alternatives here: Soltis 11...h5 to slow whites attack or 11...Rc8.

12. 0-0-0

The Yugoslav Attack is associated with Whites Queen side castling with both players going for all out mate on opposite sides of the board. Fun Stuff!


13. h5

This well known pawn sacrifice to open up the h-file is one of the most important lines in the Yugoslav Attack.


14. g4, Nf6

15. Kb1

Whites other main choice here is 15. Bh6 Black could then obtain counterplay by 15...Bxh6! (15...Rxc3!? 16. bc, Nxf3 though playable has been analyzed out to a draw.) 16. Rxh6, Rxc3! 17. Qxc3 (17. bc, Rc8 18. Kb2, Qb6 19. Ka1 (or c1), Qc5 20. Kb2, a5 21. Rhd1, e6! with advantage to Black according to GM Chris Ward) 17...Qxc3 18. bc, Rc8 19. Kd2, Kg7 with unclear complications. The text is a heads up continuation.


Avoiding main line book play. More common is 15...Rxc3 16. Qxc3, Qxc3 17. bc, Rc8 18. Kb2, a5 with counterplay.

16. Bxc4, Rxc4

17. Nb3, Qa6

Playable is 17...Qe5!? 18. Bd4, Rxd4! 19. Rxd4, Rc8 20. Nb3, b5! with counterplay.

18. Qh2!?

An extremely ambitious plan of attack by white, attempting to annihilate black down the h-file which is certainly in the spirit of the opening. White threatens Bg5, Bxf6, and Qxh7+.


The sacrifice of the rook on c3 is typical of the sicilain defense especially in the dragon where both his rook on the c-file and fianchettoed bishop bear down on the c3 square. Black must generate counter-threats on the queenside or be smashed on the kingside.

19. bxc3, Qc6

Attacks whites c3 pawn. Black has compensation for the exchange sacrifice a minor piece and a pawn for his rook, and more importantly the opportunity to counter-attack whites weakened queenside and his king.

20. Bg5

Attacking the defender of h7, whites position appears menacing.


The only correct defense. It looks crazy since it loosens blacks defenses even further, however it does stop immediate threats on the h-file and threatens ...hxg4 to break up whites attack. Notice if now 21. gxh5, Nxh5 holds.

21. Bxf6, Bxf6

Now the simple point of blacks defense is clearly seen, the pawn on h5 prevents the white Queens infilatration down the h-file while the white pawn on c3 is under double attack and cannot be saved. The black dragon bishop now breathes fire down the long diagnol.

22. gxh5, Qxc3

The dragon strikes! Blacks mate on move threat on the long diagnol gives him the initative.

23. Kc1, Rc8

24. Rdg1

Both sides are playing for all out mate. Note that 24. hxg6? fails to 24...Qb2+ 25. Kd2, Rxc2+. Of course 24. Rd3 was not possible due to the pin by the c8 rook as black simply plays 24...Qxd3.

With his 24th move white screams "Man the torpedoes, full steam ahead!" However white had to play defense with 24. Rd5! preparing to counter sac the rook for blacks "dragon" bishop.


Feel the Fire of the Dragon as he burns the enemy defenses into ruins.

25. Qg2

If 25. f4 then 25...Bxf4! as the Queen cannot capture due to the mate threat on the c-file at c2.


26. Kd1, Qb1+

27. Nc1, Bf4

Whites King faces a Fire Breathing Dragon and his Noble knight, Rooks and Queen cannot save him.

28. Ke2, Rxc2+

29. Kd3, Bb5+

30. Kd4, Rc4+

31. Kd5, e6++

The King is Dead, long live the Dragon!